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Avoiding Wordiness: 330 Examples & What to Use Instead


Wordiness in writing can make your work confusing, hard to understand, and tedious to read. As a writer, it is important to convey your ideas concisely and clearly. In this article, we will discuss 330 examples of wordiness and provide alternatives that are more concise and effective.

Examples of Wordiness

1. “In my opinion, I think that…” – Instead, say: “I believe…” or “I think…” 2. “Due to the fact that” – Instead, say: “Because” or “Since” 3. “With regard to” – Instead, say: “About” or “Regarding” 4. “In the event that” – Instead, say: “If” 5. “In order to” – Instead, say: “To” 6. “At this point in time” – Instead, say: “Now” 7. “A large number of” – Instead, say: “Many” or “Numerous”

Common Wordiness in Writing

It’s important to recognize and eliminate common examples of wordiness in your writing. By doing so, you will improve the clarity and impact of your work. Here are some more examples: 8. “At the present time” – Instead, say: “Currently” 9. “In the vicinity of” – Instead, say: “Near” 10. “In conclusion, in summary” – Instead, say: “Finally” or “In summary” 11. “In order that” – Instead, say: “So” 12. “In the event of” – Instead, say: “If”

Filling Your Writing with Precision

One way to avoid wordiness is to use more precise and concise language. Consider the following examples: 13. “Added bonus” – Instead, say: “Bonus” 14. “True fact” – Instead, say: “Fact” 15. “Collaborate together” – Instead, say: “Collaborate” 16. “Past experience” – Instead, say: “Experience” 17. “Free gift” – Instead, say: “Gift”

Eliminating Redundancy

Redundancy is a major contributor to wordiness in writing. Eliminating unnecessary repetition can greatly improve the flow and impact of your work. Avoid the following examples: 18. “Close proximity” – Instead, say: “Proximity” 19. “Exactly identical” – Instead, say: “Identical” 20. “Final completion” – Instead, say: “Completion” 21. “Major breakthrough” – Instead, say: “Breakthrough” 22. “Past history” – Instead, say: “History”

Using Simpler Alternatives

Simplifying your language can have a significant impact on the readability of your work. Consider these alternatives: 23. “Purchase” – Instead, say: “Buy” or “Get” 24. “Utilize” – Instead, say: “Use” 25. “Terminate” – Instead, say: “End” or “Stop” 26. “Obtain” – Instead, say: “Get” or “Acquire” 27. “Facilitate” – Instead, say: “Help” or “Assist”


By eliminating wordiness from your writing, you can make your work more concise, clear, and impactful. Avoiding redundant phrases, using precise language, and simplifying your writing can greatly improve your writing style. With these 330 examples and alternatives, you now have a valuable tool to help you write more efficiently and effectively.